Study Room #1

Study Room #2

Study Room 1 is located on the East side of the Sanibel Public Library, near the main circulation desk. This room has (4) chairs available and includes a table. Study Room 2 is located on the East side of the Sanibel Public Library, near the main circulation desk. This room has (2) chairs available and includes a table. Both rooms have a computer, monitor, webcam, and wireless keyboard and mouse. Both rooms have a Windows Operating System and include Microsoft Office, Zoom, Skype, and other software. Both computers are connected to the internet and a printer. Study room bookings must be made online by clicking the button below. 

 Should anyone find information or functionality which is inaccessible, please contact the library by phone at (239) 472-2483 or by email at and we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate accessibility requests.